AGRIBALYSE® 3.0: a harmonized methodology ; new datasets
Development of the Agribalyse 3.0 database

As part of the Agribalyse® project launched by ADEME more than 10 years ago, we coordinated, in collaboration with @Blonk and @Gingko21, the development of the Agribalyse® 3.0 database. This version goes for the first time “from field to plate“. It enables the calculation of the environmental footprints of 2500 “ready-to-eat” foods. These data can be connected with nutritional data, thus constituting a coherent database to address in a global way the problems of food systems.
A harmonized and shared methodology
Our work was guided by a double objective: to ensure the continuity of the Agribalyse 1.4 version containing data on agricultural productions and to harmonize data from other databases such as ACYVIA, WFLDB, ecoinvent… The aim being to develop a coherent data base for responsible decision making in favour of a more sustainable food system while taking into account nutritional and environmental properties.
Indeed, each food product in Agribalyse® 3.0 can be linked to its nutritional properties from the CIQUAL database, available for free here. Same identifiers, same foods, same assumptions for the calculations.
The development of this database required the definition of a coherent, modular and evolving architecture. Given the limitations of the available data, not all foods can be modeled with the same level of reliability, so a Data Quality Ratio (DQR) system was implemented. Thus the user can now know the environmental impact of a food but also the quality of the data behind its calculation.
In the interest of transparency on our methodological choices and in order to share and promote the future development of Agribalyse, a methodological report is currently being published.
A harmonized and shared methodology
Our work was guided by a double objective: to ensure the continuity of the Agribalyse 1.4 version containing data on agricultural productions and to harmonize data from other databases such as ACYVIA, WFLDB, ecoinvent… The aim being to develop a coherent data base for responsible decision making in favour of a more sustainable food system while taking into account nutritional and environmental properties.
Indeed, each food product in Agribalyse® 3.0 can be linked to its nutritional properties from the CIQUAL database, available for free here. Same identifiers, same foods, same assumptions for the calculations.
The development of this database required the definition of a coherent, modular and evolving architecture. Given the limitations of the available data, not all foods can be modeled with the same level of reliability, so a Data Quality Ratio (DQR) system was implemented. Thus the user can now know the environmental impact of a food but also the quality of the data behind its calculation.
In the interest of transparency on our methodological choices and in order to share and promote the future development of Agribalyse, a methodological report is currently being published.
Calculation of environmental impacts
The environmental impacts of the products were determined by conducting a life cycle assessment (LCA). This calculates the impact over the entire life cycle of each product. The LCA method makes it possible to take into account different types of environmental impacts. Within the framework of Agribalyse, a “single score” is used to determine the environmental impact of a product.
This database uses a “cradle to grave” system that includes all the important processes in the production chain from raw materials to the treatment of final waste such as packaging.
Innovative datasets for seafood products
In addition to its involvement in the development of the database and methodology, Sayari has developed new Life Cycle Inventories (LCIs) for marine resources such as shrimp, seaweed and many others.
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Member of the European PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) Technical Advisory Board
Member of the French ADEME environmental labelling working group