Anne Claire Asselin founded Sayari in 2018 to support companies and organizations in developing sustainable business model and innovation.
Her experience includes:
• Environmental footprints
• Biodiversity footprint
• Toxicity
• Critical LCA reviews, in France and abroad
• Training courses on environmental labelling, sustainable development and value chain assessment and improvement (French and English), in France and abroad (Brazil, South Africa…)
• Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methodologies
Anne Claire is a member of the European Union’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Technical Advisory Group (TAG). She is particularly involved in sustainable agriculture issues. She also contributes to projects hosted by the United Nations, in particular on “Life Cycle Impact Indicators” (GLAM).
Anne-Claire is the founder of the think-tank X-Food, which brings together alumni of the Ecole Polytechnique to discuss food transition issues. Its main missions are to shed light on controversies and promote innovation.
Anne-Claire is a graduate of École Polytechnique (X84) and Ponts et Chaussées (1990).
Aurore joined Sayari in September 2019. She holds a Master’s degree in Biology, specializing in “animal behavior and ecology & evolution” from the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and a second Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and Law. During her first Master’s degree, she carried out a wide range of field and laboratory research, focusing on marine environments and ecology. Her second Master’s degree was a work-study program between September 2019 and June 2021 at the Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement (ISE) in Versailles and Sayari.
Aurore has a good knowledge of marine ecosystems. She has conducted several research projects on the invasion of lionfish in the Caribbean, coral bleaching and overfishing of grouper in Belize. She has solid experience in project management (creation, coordination, project follow-up, writing reports and presentations), particularly in the field of ecology and biodiversity. She has an excellent command of databases and GIS tools.
She is an expert in life cycle assessment (LCA). Aurore contributes to projects run by the United Nations, in particular on “Life Cycle Impact Indicators (GLAM)”. She is also a member of the European Union’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Technical Advisory Group (TAG). She is particularly involved in sustainable agriculture issues. She supervises interns and young students on semester projects.
She assists Sayari’s customers in assessing the environmental impacts (LCA and biodiversity) of their products and services throughout their value chain. She is a project engineer in the calculation of environmental metrics.
Joséphine joined Sayari at the beginning of 2024 as part of her Master’s thesis on the inclusion of toxicity impacts in environmental labelling, particularly impacts of plant protection products in agriculture.
Passionate about the living world, she specialized in biology during her engineering studies at the École polytechnique (X19), then completed a master’s degree in Biotechnology with the Royal Polytechnic School of Stockholm (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan). She has carried out numerous research projects and bibliographical work.
She joined the team in August 2024 as LCA and Biodiversity Consultant, with the aim of encouraging informed decision-making by linking scientific knowledge with practical implementation.
In particular, she works on developing tools and methods to assess and visualize anthropogenic impacts on marine biodiversity: fishing pressure and stock status, seabeds, endangered species, etc.
With solid technical experience in databases and programming languages, she also develops solutions adapted to the team’s operational needs.
Joséphine supports customers in building relevant indicators to assess the environmental impact of their products and services throughout their value chain.
Yassine is a student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he is studying for a Master’s degree in Health Management in Aquaculture. With a degree in Fisheries and Aquaculture Engineering, he has acquired in-depth knowledge covering a wide range of topics related to the exploitation and production of marine resources. These include sustainable fisheries management, aquatic ecosystem management and innovation in aquaculture practices. Fascinated by the challenges of sustainability in the exploitation and management of marine resources, Yassine wishes to contribute to the development of practical and innovative solutions to environmental challenges in these fields.
To this end, he joined Sayari to complete his Master’s thesis. The aim of his thesis is to improve the qualitative, risk-based method developed by Sayari for assessing the impact of aquaculture on biodiversity. Yassine’s work will involve refining existing indicators, proposing an aggregation of indicators and testing the method on new case studies. The method focuses on key pressures such as invasive species, land and sea use change, and pollution, aligning with the IPBES drivers of biodiversity loss.
Anna is a student at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), studying life sciences engineering with a minor in financial engineering.
She joined the team as an Environmental Studies Assistant to support LCA missions and analyze the impact of agri-food and cosmetics products on biodiversity.
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ANNE-CLAIRE ASSELIN anne.asselin@sayari.co |
Anne Claire Asselin founded Sayari in 2018 to support companies and organizations in developing sustainable business model and innovation.
Her experience includes:
• Environmental footprints
• Biodiversity footprint
• Toxicity
• Critical LCA reviews, in France and abroad
• Training courses on environmental labelling, sustainable development and value chain assessment and improvement (French and English), in France and abroad (Brazil, South Africa…)
• Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methodologies
Anne Claire is a member of the European Union’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Technical Advisory Group (TAG). She is particularly involved in sustainable agriculture issues. She also contributes to projects hosted by the United Nations, in particular on “Life Cycle Impact Indicators” (GLAM).
Anne-Claire is the founder of the think-tank X-Food, which brings together alumni of the Ecole Polytechnique to discuss food transition issues. Its main missions are to shed light on controversies and promote innovation.
Anne-Claire is a graduate of École Polytechnique (X84) and Ponts et Chaussées (1990).
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AURORE WERMEILLE aurore.wermeille@sayari.co |
Aurore joined Sayari in September 2019. She holds a Master’s degree in Biology, specializing in “animal behavior and ecology & evolution” from the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and a second Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and Law. During her first Master’s degree, she carried out a wide range of field and laboratory research, focusing on marine environments and ecology. Her second Master’s degree was a work-study program between September 2019 and June 2021 at the Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement (ISE) in Versailles and Sayari.
Aurore has a good knowledge of marine ecosystems. She has conducted several research projects on the invasion of lionfish in the Caribbean, coral bleaching and overfishing of grouper in Belize. She has solid experience in project management (creation, coordination, project follow-up, writing reports and presentations), particularly in the field of ecology and biodiversity. She has an excellent command of databases and GIS tools.
She is an expert in life cycle assessment (LCA). Aurore contributes to projects run by the United Nations, in particular on “Life Cycle Impact Indicators (GLAM)”. She is also a member of the European Union’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Technical Advisory Group (TAG). She is particularly involved in sustainable agriculture issues. She supervises interns and young students on semester projects.
She assists Sayari’s customers in assessing the environmental impacts (LCA and biodiversity) of their products and services throughout their value chain. She is a project engineer in the calculation of environmental metrics.
Aurore a rejoint Sayari en septembre 2019. Elle est titulaire d’un Master en Biologie, spécialisation « comportement animal et écologie & évolution” au sein de l’université de Neuchâtel (Suisse) et d’un second Master en Ingénierie et Droit de l’environnement. Durant son premier Master, elle a effectué de nombreux travaux de recherches en écologie sur le terrain et en laboratoire avec comme thématiques principales l’écologie et les milieux marins. Son second Master a été réalisé en alternance entre septembre 2019 et juin 2021 auprès de l’Institut Supérieur de l’Environnement (ISE) à Versailles et de Sayari.
Aurore possède une bonne connaissance des écosystèmes marins. Elle a conduit plusieurs projets de recherche sur l’invasion de la rascasse volante dans les Caraïbes, sur le blanchiment des coraux ou encore sur la surpêche du mérou au Bélize. Elle possède une solide expérience dans la gestion de projets (création, coordination, suivi de projet, rédaction de rapports et présentations) notamment en liens avec le domaine de l’écologie et de la biodiversité. Elle maîtrise très bien les bases de données et les différents outils SIG.
Elle est experte en analyse de cycle de vie (ACV). Aurore contribue en effet à des projets menés par les Nations Unies, en particulier sur les « indicateurs d’impacts sur le cycle de vie (GLAM) ». Elle est également membre du « Technical Advisory Group (TAG) » du « Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) » auprès de l’Union Européenne. Elle est plus particulièrement impliquée dans les sujets d’agriculture durable. Elle supervise des stagiaires et des jeunes étudiants pour des projets de semestre.
Elle accompagne les clients de Sayari dans l’évaluation des impacts environnementaux (ACV et biodiversité) de leurs produits et services tout au long de leurs chaîne de valeur. Elle est ingénieure de projet dans le calcul des métriques environnementales.
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JOSÉPHINE GATIN josephine.gatin@sayari.co |
Joséphine joined Sayari at the beginning of 2024 as part of her Master’s thesis on the inclusion of toxicity impacts in environmental labelling, particularly impacts of plant protection products in agriculture.
Passionate about the living world, she specialized in biology during her engineering studies at the École polytechnique (X19), then completed a master’s degree in Biotechnology with the Royal Polytechnic School of Stockholm (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan). She has carried out numerous research projects and bibliographical work.
She joined the team in August 2024 as LCA and Biodiversity Consultant, with the aim of encouraging informed decision-making by linking scientific knowledge with practical implementation.
In particular, she works on developing tools and methods to assess and visualize anthropogenic impacts on marine biodiversity: fishing pressure and stock status, seabeds, endangered species, etc.
With solid technical experience in databases and programming languages, she also develops solutions adapted to the team’s operational needs.
Joséphine supports customers in building relevant indicators to assess the environmental impact of their products and services throughout their value chain.
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YASSINE BOUAYAD yassine.bouayad@sayari.co |
Yassine is a student at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he is studying for a Master’s degree in Health Management in Aquaculture. With a degree in Fisheries and Aquaculture Engineering, he has acquired in-depth knowledge covering a wide range of topics related to the exploitation and production of marine resources. These include sustainable fisheries management, aquatic ecosystem management and innovation in aquaculture practices. Fascinated by the challenges of sustainability in the exploitation and management of marine resources, Yassine wishes to contribute to the development of practical and innovative solutions to environmental challenges in these fields.
To this end, he joined Sayari to complete his Master’s thesis. The aim of his thesis is to improve the qualitative, risk-based method developed by Sayari for assessing the impact of aquaculture on biodiversity. Yassine’s work will involve refining existing indicators, proposing an aggregation of indicators and testing the method on new case studies. The method focuses on key pressures such as invasive species, land and sea use change, and pollution, aligning with the IPBES drivers of biodiversity loss.
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ANNA YILDIRAN anna.yildiran@sayari.co |
Anna is a student at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), studying life sciences engineering with a minor in financial engineering.
She joined the team as an Environmental Studies Assistant to support LCA missions and analyze the impact of agri-food and cosmetics products on biodiversity.
Sayari is recruiting for internships and work-study programs.
We are looking for our new Intern – Sustainable Products ; Environmental Studies Project Manager. Consult our offer here (French).
If you are interested, please send your application with CV and cover letter to contact@sayari.co
You would like to join us, butwant to learn more about Sayari before taking the plunge?
Read the testimonials of our former interns here.